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Monday, August 4, 2014

Special Guest: Julie Shelton and Keeping Sarah

I'm so pleased to introduce our next guest, Julie Shelton. Stopping by to tell us about her new release Keeping Sarah, Julie has been a guest before and readers adore her. 
If you're new to Julie's work or if you're a devoted fan, please help me welcome Julie Shelton! 

Honeymooning in England, Jesse Colter, Adam Sinclair and their beloved wife, Sarah, are heading for their friend Thorne Cahill’s BDSM club for dinner when another car deliberately tries to run them off the road.  Thanks to their own driver’s skills, the other car is destroyed, the two unknown occupants killed.
Through Thorne, they discover that they’re the targets of a “blood feud”, instigated by Konstandin Sokolov, son of Viktor Sokolov, the Albanian mobster who had unwisely kidnapped Sarah a few months back, and paid for it with his life.  They also discover that Thorne’s guests, ruthless human traffickers, have gathered at the club for a slave auction being held the following night.  Konstandin Sokolov happens to be one of the buyers.
Fraught with treachery, betrayal, and deadly danger, Keeping Sarah keeps the reader on a knife’s edge of tension, while simultaneously exploring the deepening emotional and physical commitment between Jesse and Adam.  They already trust each other with their lives.  Now they must learn how to trust each other with their love.


1.  Tell us a little about yourself. How did you come to your author’s attention? Occupation?
My name is Jesse Colter.  I’m 32, a former SEAL, now Chief of Police of Marshall’s Creek, Virginia, the small, sleepy town I grew up in.  My childhood basically sucked—my father was a drunk and a bully who used me for his punchin’ bag—until I was fourteen and bigger than he was, so he pretty much steered clear of me after that.  I never knew my Native American mother.  She disappeared before I was outta diapers.  My father always claimed she ran away with another man, but I’ve always suspected he killed her one night in a drunken rage and disposed of her body.  I came to my author’s attention the day I rescued her heroine, Sarah Marshall, from fallin’ out of a tree.  Actually, that’s not quite true.  I came to her attention long before that.  She just had to think about me for a while and get to know me before she decided to let it be me who rescued Sarah.  She wanted us to have a happy ending, even though she kept us apart for eight years before givin’ it to us. (Lol)

2.  What or who is the greatest love of your life? Why? What drew you to them?
Sarah Marshall is the only woman I have ever loved, the only woman I ever will love.  I met her the summer she was 13.  I was workin’ as an assistant gardener at Marshall’s Hill, the ante-bellum estate where she grew up.  I heard this blood-curdlin’ shriek and when I ran to find out where it was comin’ from, there she was, danglin’ upside down from a broken tree limb 30 feet above the ground.  Scared the livin’ sh-daylights outta me!  I was nineteen and full of my own teen-age crap, but Sarah, oh, my God…[shakes his head]…she just fascinated me.  She was this amazin’ combination of child and adult.  She grew up rich, but her childhood sucked as much as mine did, except she wasn’t beaten.  Just ignored.  Her father was a judge, a self-important, self-righteous little prick who had no time for his only child, so she was pretty much raised by tutors and nannies.  She was the first person who treated me like I really mattered, you know?  The first person who ever really listened to me.  She actually valued my opinion!  She bullied me into readin’ all her favorite books just so she could have someone to discuss them with.  She turned me into an avid reader, for which I’ll always be grateful.

When I hired on the next summer, she had entered puberty and had filled out.  Boy, had she filled out!  God, she was so gorgeous and I knew I was in trouble.  When I was at work, I couldn’t stop lookin’ at her and when I was anywhere else, I couldn’t stop thinkin’ about her.  But I was bad news.  Six years older than her, a biker, and a Dom.  And even though I suspected she was a natural submissive, she was still just a kid, and I knew if I claimed her, I would ruin her life.  After all, she was rich, the daughter of a judge, the descendant of English aristocrats, while I was the bastard son of a Native American prostitute and the town drunk.  At that point, my life was a steamin’ pile of crap.  What kind of a future could I possibly give her?  

I didn’t show up the next summer, but still saw her every night in my dreams.  I tried to stay away from her, but kept seein’ her around town, even rescued her from gettin’ into a truck and goin’ off with three guys who were even worse than me.  Boy, were they pissed!  Then, three years later, my cousin overheard a couple of those guys laughin’ and gigglin’ about raidin’ Sarah’s eighteenth birthday party and havin’ some “fun.”  The minute he told me I hopped on my bike and rode out to her place to try and stop ’em.  I managed to keep the one guy from rapin’ Sarah, but I had wanted her so badly for so long that when she threw herself at me and begged me to make love to her…I very nearly did.  I left town that night.  Just sneaked out without sayin’ good-bye to the only person who’d ever really mattered to me.  I hitched a ride to Norfolk where I found myself the next mornin’ standin’ in a seedy, rundown strip mall, starin’ at the Navy recruitment office.  I enlisted that day.  I’ll never regret joinin’ the Navy, but I will regret to my dyin’ day the decision to leave Sarah the way I did, with no word of explanation, no good-bye, no word at all for eight long years.  It was a crappy thing to do because it wound up nearly destroyin’ both of us.  Believe me, I will spend the rest of my life makin’ it up to her.  Because now that I have her, I can’t imagine ever livin’ without her.

3.  What’s your greatest fear?
My greatest fear is losin’ Sarah.  I already lost her once, that night I left town.  It took me eight year to admit how much I needed her, and how wrong I’d been to leave her.  I nearly lost her again when I introduced her to my best friend, Adam Sinclair, and we told her we wanted to share her in a D/s menage relationship.  Adam was already in love with her just from hearin’ me talk about her while we were servin’ with the SEALs over in Afghanistan.  But I needn’t have worried.  As soon as they met each other, the attraction was instantaneous.  It was like…completin’ the circle.  Then I almost lost her when her ex-fiance tried to kidnap her in order to get hold of her money.  Fortunately we got to her in time.  But the absolute worst was a few months ago, when that SOB who’d nearly raped her got out of prison.  He kidnapped her and sold her to Viktor Sokolov, an international slave trafficker.  They nearly got away with it, too.   Adam and I were terrified we wouldn’t get to her in time to stop Sokolov from flyin’ her out of the country and beyond our reach.  In our latest adventure, Keeping Sarah, we are surrounded by danger.

4.  What’s your motto in life?
No secrets.  There must be open, honest communication at all times about everything.  It’s the only way a D/s relationship, especially a menage, can survive and flourish.

5.  How do the other characters in your book view you?
My best friend and brother-in-arms, Adam, knows me as a dom, a fellow SEAL, and a man of principle and integrity.  We love and admire each other as friends, brothers, and finally, in Keeping Sarah, as lovers.  It’s a development I’m not sure I’m ready for, even though I know the feelin’s between us have been developin’ for a long time.  But Adam can be very persuasive, and knows exactly which buttons to push, although he and Sarah practically have to stage an intervention to get me over the final hurdle.  Sarah, the love of my life, sees me as macho, bossy, domineering, chauvinistic, over-bearing, and annoying.  Oops, I forgot sexy (lol).  She also sees me as one of the two men who love her to the bottom of our souls and who would give our lives to protect her from harm.  The bad guys view me as their worst nightmare.
6.  What is it about you that is going to draw us readers in?

I’m sexy as hell (lol).  No, really.  I am.  I love fiercely and forever, and will fight to the death to protect those I cherish.  I don’t suffer fools lightly and I abhor bullies and abusers of women—any women.  Women are to be loved, revered, protected and treasured.  With a few spankings, a little harmless torture and lots of orgasms thrown in just to spice things up a bit.  I am, after all, a Dom.  [Grins]

7.  What was your happiest moment?
The first time I had Sarah tied to my bed and she looked up at me, beggin’ me to let her come…I knew I had found my joy.  I knew I would spend the rest of my life wantin’ to make her scream with pleasure.

8.  What trait in others do you find most deplorable?
Dishonesty and lack of respect.

9.  What is your favorite time of day?
First thing in the mornin’, when Adam and I wake up with Sarah between us all soft and warm and smellin’ delicious.  We wake her by makin’ slow, sweet love to her, startin’ her day with the gift of pleasure, lettin’ her know just how much we adore her.

Thank you, Jesse Colter, for stopping by and talking to us.  We are looking forward to reading more about you, Adam, and Sarah in Julie Shelton’s Loving Sarah, Owning Sarah and now in the erotic thrill ride that is Keeping Sarah.

Be sure to visit Siren-Bookstrand and pick up Julie Shelton's entire series

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Welcome to Destiny Blaine's Online Journal

Welcome to Destiny Blaine's Online Journal
"An Award Winning Bestselling International E-book and Paperback Author, Destiny Blaine and her pseudonyms top the charts at Amazon, Bookstrand, Barnes and Noble, ARE, Mobipocket, and other retailers online and off. Scroll down for a list of available titles, works in progress, and coming soon dates for debut titles.”

Author Bio

An award-winning, international bestselling erotic romance author, Destiny Blaine writes under several pen names. She lives in East Tennessee and spends a lot of time in Connecticut and Virginia, where her granddoll resides.