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Monday, September 22, 2008

Welcome Author Joy Nash!!!

Hi Joy! Thank you for joining us on your blog tour. We are so excited about your 50 Days, 50 Books Giveaway Tour!

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Joy, as a mother of two teenagers, I know it’s a struggle to juggle everything. How do you manage your mom-time and your writing-time and do you have any specific schedule you follow when you’re writing?

I actually have two teenagers and a twelve year old, and I also work part time at a non-writing job. With three kids, sometimes things are really crazy around here, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m blessed with a wonderful husband who does a lot around the house and also drives more hours as a hockey dad than most NYC taxi-drivers!

My main strategy for keeping to my writing schedule without going nuts is to schedule my writing time for early in the day. Yep, that’s the same advice all those weight loss articles give you for maintaining your exercise program: Do it early in the day, or it won’t get done. So I set a minimum number of pages for each day and get them done before all the other distractions kick in. The writing gets done – too bad I can’t say the same for exercise!

I can relate. It's easy to find a reason to postpone exercise! On a personal note, before we begin talking about the Immortals, what can you tell us about yourself that few people know and what do you like to do in your spare time?

Let’s see…something people don’t know about me. My immigrant grandparents were truck farmers and I seem to have inherited their gardening genes. I don’t let a summer go by without growing tomatoes, sweet peppers, and basil (among other vegetable), which I always start from seed. Right now my tomatoes are in season and taste like heaven!

In my spare time - I don’t watch much TV (because the commercials are so annoying), but I love to watch movies (new and old) with my husband and/or kids. My son and I just finished a marathon of all three Rush Hour movies – Jackie Chan is so great, and we laughed so hard! Next up on my movie queue is Saving Silverman (already and fave) and Fargo (haven’t seen it yet, but I love the Coen brothers).

The Crossing is coming to the Immortals in October, but take us back to the first installment—The Awakening. What can you tell us about the beginning of the Immortals and The Awakening from a behind-the-scenes standpoint? Where did you get the idea and what steps did you take to ensure its long-term success?

If you’re not familiar with the first four books in the Immortals series (released in 2007 and still available!), here's what you need to know:

Time and Place: Now, on Earth--but the Earth of Immortals is not the one you know! Magic and magical creatures are commonplace. Humans get cozy with demons, vampires, Sidhe, or werewolves...and many other magical creatures.

Magic: There are two kinds: Life Magic and Death Magic. These eternal forces must exist in balance for humans to thrive. While humans can practice both kinds of magic, magical creatures are aligned with one force or another. On the Life side: Sidhe, Werewolves and other shapeshifters. In service to Death: demons, vampires, Unseelies, and zombies.

The Immortal Warriors: Five big, bad, sexy warrior demigods/brothers who have existed since ancient times. Their mothers are different aspects of the Mother Goddess, their fathers were five human priests from various cultures and times. The Immortals were created to champion the fledgling human race against the forces of Death Magic. All five Immortals fulfilled this purpose until the Middle Ages when, mysteriously, they disappeared from human affairs.

The Immortals world is the brainchild of Jennifer Ashley. Robin Popp and I were brought on board by the Immortals editors, and had a great time helping Jennifer develop all the details of the Immortals world and characters. A big selling point has been the Immortal series website and MySpace (we have over 1200 myspace friends! – whew, I was never that popular in high school, lol) Check out all the extras at and Don’t miss the cool book trailers!

How many books are planned for Joy Nash and the Immortals series?
Right now the Immortals series stands at eight books, ending with an anthology, Immortals: The Reckoning, in March 2009. My contributions are Immortals: The Awakening, Immortals: The Crossing, and the novella “Blood Debt,” in Immortals: The Reckoning anthology.

Jennifer Ashley’s Immortals books are Immortals: The Calling, Immortals: The Gathering, Immortals: The Redeeming, and the novella “Wolf Hunt,” in Immortals: The Reckoning. Robin Popp’s Immortals books include Immortals: The Darkening, Immortals: The Haunting, and the novella “Beyond the Mist,” in Immortals: The Reckoning.

Do you mind to give us a short summary of The Crossing and The Awakening?
Not at all!

Immortals: The Awakening (August 07) Immortals Series, Book 3 - When Coven of Light witch Christine Lachlan tracks an elusive Immortal Kalen to his castle in Scotland, she finds the cynical warrior isn’t interested in saving mankind from a powerful demon. It’ll take all her power to convince him to join the fight. (A USA Today Bestseller)

Immortals: The Crossing (October 08) - Immortals Series, Book 6 - Demigod Manannán mac Lir (Mac) is on the trail of Artemis Black, a stunningly dangerous woman who’s inexplicably able to intertwine life magic with death magic. For the safety of his people, he should destroy the desperate witch. But first, he needs to uncover her darkest secret.

You are a USA Today Bestselling Romance Author. This is not an easy milestone to reach by any stretch of the imagination, especially today. With more and more small presses offering authors the opportunity to build a reader base and tougher competition in the romance industry than ever before, what do you think truly sets a bestselling author apart from the rest of the crowd?

There is so much talent out there, and so many wonderful authors and stories. Ebooks and small press are a growing part of the business, and I’ve discovered many new favorites through that medium. When it comes to appearing on national bestseller lists, a lot is beyond an author’s control. A book makes the bestseller’s lists mainly on the strength of its sales in the first week of release. Besides having a well-written book in a marketable sub-genre and a strong online presence, a bestselling author will always have the support of her publishing house in the form of a good-sized print run, good distribution, advance publicity, and co-op dollars spent to ensure prime placement in bookstores.

Tell us what is up next for Joy Nash.

2009 is going to be a very busy year for me. March 09 brings the Immortals: The Reckoning Anthology. My novella in the anthology, “Blood Debt,” features my very first vampire hero. June 09 will see the start of a new, lighter contemporary series with A Little Light Magic. Then my Druids of Avalon historical paranormal series returns in October 09 with Silver Silence. Silver Silence is the third book in the Druids series, after The Grail King and Deep Magic. I’m working on that book now.

Joy, I want to thank you for joining us here today. I wish you all the success in the world and I will most definitely read the Immortals! Please come back soon to visit!


Joy Nash said...

Good Morning everyone!! Thanks in advance for stopping by today. Any more fun questions for me to answer???

I'm headed out for a while, but I'll stop back later this afternoon to answer.


Unknown said...

Good morning Joy! Your books sound like a must-add to my TBB pile. :D

Tarot By Arwen said...

Joy, I have a non-writing question... who's your favorite Hockey team? Grin!

Romantic Heretic said...

Very nice interview.

I'll have to look those books up. They sound very good.

I'll be looking for your vampire book when it comes out. I have a personal interest in vampires and how other people see them.

tetewa said...

My favorite genre to read is Paranormal (I'm all about the vamps). Looking forward to your take on them, nice seeing you here today!

Nina Pierce said...

Wow. That's all I can say Joy is wow! I wondered how it was working with other authors to create this whole new world? Did you do any colaborative writing or do all the books stand on their own?

Anonymous said...

Hi Joy:

Yeah, who is your fav hockey team? I have grandchildren who play hockey. But a writing question - what made you want to start writing and why do you write in the genre that you do? Any plans to write in other genre's?

Anonymous said...

Hi Joy, where to do you go when you need encouragement? Do you listen to music while you write? The Crossing sounds like a great read

Katie Alexander said...

Good morning Joy! You are getting toward the end of the 5o books a day, how are you holding up?

I am also wondering who your favorite hockey team is since the season will be starting shortly. I can hardly wait. lol


Lesli Richardson (aka Tymber Dalton) said...

Hi Joy,

Great interview!

Any pitfalls/good points about joining together with another author on a series like that?

Also, are you a panster/plotter? *G* (That seems to be the writing equivalent of the boxers/briefs question. *LOL*) Any tricks you'd like to share on how you formulate your plots?

Cindy Spencer Pape said...

Congrats to both of you on an excellent interview. Thanks, Joy for sharing your experiences and giving us a peek at your new book.

Jade Twilight said...

Hi Joy.
Your books sound wonderful. Great interview.

DawnsReadingNook said...

Hi Joy,

I LOVE your Immortals series you have with your fellow authors. What inspired this series and will we seee more after the 8th book is done?

Raine D.

Meljprincess said...

Thanks for the summary of the first four books, Joy. I plan to order them.
Here's a question for you:
What's your favorite song? Color? Place to vacation? :-)

Mel K.

Anonymous said...

Hi Joy! Just wanted to stop by and say hello and wish you MUCH continued success! (^_^)

Lindsay Townsend said...

Hi Joy!
Super interview! Your books sound wonderful! Best wishes, Lindsay

lrhubble said...

Great interview. Really enjoyed finding out more information about you and the books. :-)


Sophia Danu said...

Hello Joy! I enjoyed the interview. The Immortals world sounds awesome. I can't wait to dive into it. :)

Carol said...

I have a couple of them. Do you draw your characterizations from real people or fashion them from the entertainment world?

I never in my wildest dreams thought of writing until ten years or so ago. Have you always had an urge to write or did something happen along the way that pushed you into it? Inquiring minds want to know, lol.

Carol McPhee:

Raonaid Luckwell said...

Wonderful interview! I'm also the mother of three (blonde, blue-eyed boys ages ten and down); however, I don't think I could get anything done in the morning. I don't get motivated until afternoon and then some. I'm so not ready for the teenage years.

I remember seeing the Immortals in Romanctic Times Book Review. The article caught my attention and reading how you have Celtic influence into your books sold me. I knew I'd like your story. I have a friend who is sending me one of your Druid books. She heard me and another friend talking about your books and offered to give it to me.

Jenny Penn said...

Hey Joy,

You're books sound very interesting and your schedule sounds hetic. I hope you continue to see such great sucess!


Destiny Blaine said...

A huge thank you to Joy Nash for being here today and to all of you who were kind enough to stop here and blog early. Joy will be back soon to answer some of your questions.

Happy Monday!

Destiny :))

Aymee said...

Thanks Joy for coming and hanging out! You've intrigued me so much I've gone and ordered the first Immortals book (not yours, I know, but gotta start at the beginning, right?)!


Kim said...

Afternoon Joy. These Immortal series books sound wonderful.
Do you have a favorite paranormal character to write about?
Witches, Demigods, Vampires etc...
As a reader I love to read about them all. Vampires being my favorite.

Wendi said...

Wonderful interview, Destiny and Joy! 3 kids and hockey...oh my. I'm impressed!

Anonymous said...

Hello Joy,
you mentioned that the story in the anthology will feature your first vampire hero.

What makes him different from all the other sexy immortals out there?


Cathy said...

Hi Joy, have Fargo on my keeper shelf, it's a hoot.

Lee Silver said...

Hi Joy!
I am not very familiar with paranormals and have what may be a stupid question. I’m sure there is alot that crosses over about the world of shape shifters demons, werewolves and vampires from story to story. As an author, do you have the flexibility to create a new wrinkle about the creatures? Do you get flamed by your readers if you create a character that doesn’t fit the status quo?


Lee Silver
"Romance With a Twist"
THE TWIST, BookStrand #1 Bestseller

Bo said...

Hi Joy
Thank you for spending time with us today. I have asked this question of other authors and I would like to hear what you say.

Lately, when I sit down to write. I have all these thoughts and ideas flying around in my head. Yet once I sit down to write them down, I can't seem to get them on paper.

Have you ever run into this and if so, how did you combat it so you could get the ideas on paper and into a story?

Thanks again for spending time with us today.

Joy Nash said...

Hey all, I'm back. Here are some answers to your questions!!

arwen, The only hockey games I actually get to watch these days are my son’s – he’s on a school team as well as a travel team. But in the pros, I root for the Philadelphia Flyers!

nina, It was fun working with Jenn and Robin on Immortals. I think the series overall benefitted greatly from the collaborative worldbuilding we did up front, before we even started writing the first books. While the first four Immortals books (out in 2007) were closely connected, this year’s novels are stand-alone stories, with the main common thread being that they’re set in the Immortals world and feature popular secondary characters from the first four books.

anonymous – I started writing when my three kids were very young and I was a stay-at-home mom for a few years. I think I just needed to create a world where I had a bit of control!! I’ve always loved fantasy and romance, so it was natural to combine the two. I’d love to write a young adult novel someday, but so far my schedule hasn’t allowed it.

bethre – I don’t listen to music when I write – I prefer absolute quiet (when I can get it!) When I get stuck, I take a long walk with my dog, and usually the ideas start flowing again.

katie bug – I’m hanging in there!!

leslie – I guess I’d just say that in any collaboration, it worse best when no one is too bossy! I had wonderful partners in Jenn and Robin. As for the pantster/plotter dilemma, I’m more of a plotter. But things always change as I’m following my outlines, and I often go with a new story thread, or even a new character, when the urge happens.

raine delight – The original idea for Immortals was pitched by Jennifer Ashley to Dorchester; Robin Popp and I came onboard later, at our editor’s invitation. I’m pretty sure Dorchester intends the series to end with book 8, but that could always change. If you want to see more, let Dorchester know! Reader response took a 4 book series and turned it into 8, so it could definitely bring about more books in the future.

melprincess – favorite song?? That is so hard. It’s changing all the time. Right now I’m into My Chemical Romance. I especially like the song Helene. I’ve got it on a mix CD that also includes Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen and F.I.N.E. by Aerosmith. My favorite color is red, and my dream vacation happens in Italy.

carol – I don’t watch enough TV to fashion my characters from the entertainment world. I’m usually clueless about who the current TV hottie is, though I do watch a lot of movies. I don’t base my characters on specific people from media or from real life, though often ideas start that way. More accurately, I think my characters are various bits and pieces of myself, developed and embellished into what I need for the story.

kim – werewolves are a big favorite of mine, and shapeshifters of any animal persuasion. My Druids of Avalon books feature Druid shapeshifters. Gwen, the heroine of Deep Magic is a wolf shapeshifter and was one of my favorite heroines to write.
silapa, Jackon Cabot is my vampire hero in my Immortals: The Reckoning anthology story. He hates what he is and has vowed revenge on the woman who killed him a century ago – the Sidhe muse who is his heroine in the story.

lee silver, I think most paranormal authors put their own twist on existing legends. I know I do. For example, in Deep Magic, my hero forged the sword Excalibur. So far, no readers have taken me to task for creating my own version on well known legend.

Once I mentioned to someone that Susan Squires (one of my favorite authors) had written a book with an Italian vampire, and the woman said – No way! You can’t have an Italian vampire, he’d be killed by all the garlic in his food! LOL. I told her Susan’s vampires weren’t affected by garlic, and she thought that was wrong. So I suppose there are some die-hard traditionalists out there!

bo, yes, this has happened to me. A book always seems perfect when you’re thinking about it, but getting that first draft on paper can be really ugly. My advice is if you’re stuck, just write anything you can think of about the story. Also, too many times, a great inspiration is lost because you think of it and don’t write it down. Always keep a little notebook nearby and write down any ideas when you get them, because I promise you that 90% of the time they’ll be gone by the time you sit down to write.

Thanks, everyone, for stopping by!!


Bo said...

Thank you for your suggestion Joy. Sometimes I wish I had a video camera hooked to my brain so I could replay the scenes I see lol. It would make it sooooo much easier. lol

Thank you again for sharing your valuable time with us today.


Dee S Knight and Anne Krist said...

Hi, Joy. Great interview--thanks!

Do you edit as you go, or finish the book and then go back? And while you edit, do you maintain your writing schedule?

Loretta said...

Joy I have enjoyed the books of the Immortals: The Calling, The Darkening and The Awakening. Jennifer Ashley, Robin T. Popp and you have done a fantastic joy of writing these books. Hope to catch up and get The Gathering,The Redeeming,The Crossing and The Haunting comeing out in Nov. Love to read books that are a series and connected like this.

Destiny Blaine said...

Thank you Joy Nash for joining us today! I hope you know that you have a new fan in me! :)) I imagine others who stop here will soon feel the same way--most already do! :))

Destiny Blaine

Destiny Blaine said...

Thank you to everyone who stopped by to visit us today! You rock my blogging world! Okay, and my real world too but you know...I didn't want to give you the big head or anything. :))

Big hugs and much love,

Bo said...

LOL You are most welcome Destiny

Kat Hall said...

You can tell that I don't do much blogging. My comment came out being from anonymous. Thank you for your answer, Joy.

tigger9 said...

i can't wait for the immortal books to come out. It is such a good series. i love it.

Joy Nash said...


I’m a really messy first draft writer. I finish and go back over the book multiple times-usually at least 5 or 6 times (or more!) before I turn the book in.

Thanks for coming out, everyone!!


Rita Vetere said...

Hi, Joy!

Fantastic interview! Your books sound absolutely awesome. May your star continue to rise!

Romantic Heretic said...

Joy? The die hard traditionalists would hate my vampires.

Mine can't, um, get it up. ;)

Joy Nash said...

Okay, Destiny has asked me to choose a winner, and my highly scientific "write all the names on scraps of paper and pull one out of a hat” method reveals the winner to be… Kat Hall!!

Congrats, Kat! Please email me at with your snail mail address to claim your prize. Let's say by...Saturday night at midnight.



Destiny Blaine said...

Congrats to Kat Hall! You are the winner in Author Joy Nash's 50 days, 50 books giveaway! Please contact her as soon as possible at

Remember, Joy can also be found at and I've decided her website is going to be a frequent stop and I think you will too. Check it out!

Destiny :))

Welcome to Destiny Blaine's Online Journal

Welcome to Destiny Blaine's Online Journal
"An Award Winning Bestselling International E-book and Paperback Author, Destiny Blaine and her pseudonyms top the charts at Amazon, Bookstrand, Barnes and Noble, ARE, Mobipocket, and other retailers online and off. Scroll down for a list of available titles, works in progress, and coming soon dates for debut titles.”

Author Bio

An award-winning, international bestselling erotic romance author, Destiny Blaine writes under several pen names. She lives in East Tennessee and spends a lot of time in Connecticut and Virginia, where her granddoll resides.